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Mobile Pregnancy Ultrasound

A Brackenbound Canine ultrasound scan can be arranged in the comfort of your bitch's own home to detect the presence of a pregnancy, gain valuable insight and provide peace of mind allowing you to prepare for the future.

I am a Silver member of the Animal Ultrasound Association trained to Level 1 and working towards my Level 2 and full Gold membership. I use a Siui Apogee 1000 Lite; an impressive, advanced machine which allows video recording and colour Doppler as well as generating incredibly clear images. This machine is perfect for pregnancy detection and complies with international standards on ultrasonic safety. .


Scan Options

Pregnancy Confirmation 


Best performed 30-35 days from the last mating. This scan can be performed as early as 21 days but results may vary and pregnancy could be missed if scanned too early. This scan is used to *estimate the number of puppies and due date.

If you would like all the saved images/videos  of the scan on a keepsake usb, these can be purchased via the Shop

*Gestational sacs can often play hide and seek behind each other due to the shape of the canine uterus so the number of puppies is generally an estimate


Detailed Late Gestation View


This scan is performed from around 50 days gestation, and is a useful re-scan opportunity to check on the progression of the pregnancy and to get a detailed view of the puppies. Scanning at this time also offers the opportunity to detect malformed and non-viable whelps and ensure valuable time for veterinary referral prior to whelping. 

If you would like all the saved images/videos of the scan on a keepsake usb, these can be purchased via the Shop


Post-Whelping Scan


There are many benefits to having your bitch scanned after whelping, not least that it can ensure that she has completed the birthing process and there are no retained puppies or placentas or other causes of dystocia (birthing difficulty).


Any of the above scans are also beneficial to identify potential indicators of gestational and post-partum illness including pyometra (bacterial infection of the uterus) and excess fluid that require veterinary referral for diagnosis.​​ 









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